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food in·se·cu·ri·ty


  1. the state of being without reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food.

First things first. Food insecurity is nothing to be ashamed about. Millions of Americans are in a food insecure state, and due to its negative social stigma, many people refuse to seek aid. There are, however, resources available for those seeking help, especially in the form of food pantries. 
A food pantry provides food directly to those in need. These facilities receive, buy, store and distribute food to individuals in their communities.
To find a food pantry near you, use the site embedded below. A contact number will be listed next to its designated pantry; call to discover how you can benefit.
If interested in applying for SNAP (food stamps), carefully read the information on this site. This will direct you to the USDA (United State Department of Agriculture) Food and Nutrition Service webpage where you will find directions on how to apply. 
For additional information on how to feed a family on a tight budget, click the picture to the right! This page provides information regarding SNAP, WIC, free meals for kids and teens over the summer, food banks, and farmers markets. 
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